How do I restart my program in Python? (see code)

2024/7/8 6:20:09
if option == 'C':radius = float(raw_input("Enter Radius: ")) area = pi * radius**2print "Working..."sleep(1)print ("Area: %.2f. \n%s" % (area, hint))elif option == 'T':base = float(raw_input("Enter base: "))height = float(raw_input("Enter height: "))area = (0.5)*base*heightprint "Working..."sleep(1)print ("Area: %.2f. \n%s" % (area, hint))
else:print "Error: Could not process. The program will restart."sleep(4.5)

I want the code to restart at the bottom, only if the user types something wrong- underneath 'else.' I don't want it to ask them to restart, but automatically. Thanks!!

Also, please show it, not tell. I need to see it, I'm new to Python.


Wrapping your code in a loop will create a "restart" feature you want, i.e.

while True:option = raw_input()if option == 'C':radius = float(raw_input("Enter Radius: "))area = pi * radius**2print "Working..."sleep(1)print ("Area: %.2f. \n%s" % (area, hint))breakelif option == 'T':base = float(raw_input("Enter base: "))height = float(raw_input("Enter height: "))area = (0.5)*base*heightprint "Working..."sleep(1)print ("Area: %.2f. \n%s" % (area, hint))breakelse:print "Error: Could not process. The program will restart."sleep(4.5)

This will end the loop if one of the options was selected, otherwise it will restart from the beginning.

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