How do I generate random float and round it to 1 decimal place

2024/7/7 5:54:48

How would I go about generating a random float and then rounding that float to the nearest decimal point in Python 3.4?


Method 1:

You need two things: The random module and the builtin function round().

First you need a random number. This is as easy as:

import random
a = random.random() 

This will produce a number between 0 and 1. Next use round() to round it:

b = round(a, 1) # Thanks to for the suggestion 

The second argument in round() specifies the number of decimal places it rounds to in this case 1 which means it rounds to 1 decimal place.

and your done.

Method 2:

The other way you can do this is to use random.randint() this will produce a whole number within a range that we can then divide by 10 to get it to one decimal place:

import random # get the random module
a = random.randint(1, 9) # Use the randint() function as described in the link above
b = a / 10 # Divide by 10 so it is to 1 decimal place.

and your done

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