Update Key Value In Python In JSON File

2024/7/6 23:02:49

How do I change a value in a json file with python? I want to search and find "class": "DepictionScreenshotsView" and replace it with "class": ""

JSON File:

{"minVersion": "0.1","class": "DepictionTabView","tintColor": "#2cb1be","headerImage": "","tabs": [{"tabname": "Details","class": "DepictionStackView","tintColor": "#2cb1be","views": [{"class": "DepictionSubheaderView","useBoldText": true,"useBottomMargin": false,"title": "Description"},{"class": "DepictionMarkdownView","markdown": "Some dummy text...","useRawFormat": true},{"class": "DepictionSeparatorView"},{"class": "DepictionSubheaderView","useBoldText": true,"useBottomMargin": false,"title": "Screenshots"},{"class": "DepictionScreenshotsView","itemCornerRadius": 6,"itemSize": "{160, 284.44444444444}","screenshots": [{"accessibilityText": "Screenshot","url": "http://example.com/image.png"}]},{"class": "DepictionSeparatorView"},{"class": "DepictionSubheaderView","useBoldText": true,"useBottomMargin": false,"title": "Information"},{"class": "DepictionTableTextView","title": "Author","text": "User"},{"class": "DepictionSpacerView","spacing": 16},{"class": "DepictionStackView","views": [{"class": "DepictionTableButtonView","title": "Contact","action": "http://example.com/","openExternal": true}]},{"class": "DepictionSpacerView","spacing": 16}]},{"tabname": "History","class": "DepictionStackView","views": [{"class": "DepictionSubheaderView","useBoldText": true,"useBottomMargin": false,"title": ""},{"class": "DepictionMarkdownView","markdown": "<ul>\n<li>Initial release.<\/li>\n<\/ul>","useRawFormat": true}]}]

You can read a json file in python as follow:

import json
with open('your_file.json') as f:data = json.load(f)

Then you access and change the value (for your case):

data['tabs'][0]['views'][4]['class'] = ""

After having changed the data, you can save it :

with open('your_file.json', 'w') as outfile:json.dump(data, outfile)

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