How to group array based on the same values

2024/10/5 10:42:06

Please, confused with array in python. I want to group array based on the same values.


enter image description here

id_disease = ['penyakit_tepung','hawar_daun']
for id_disease in id_disease:qres = acacia.query( """PREFIX tst: <>SELECT ?disease ?patogenWHERE { ?disease tst:caused_by ?patogen . FILTER regex(str(?disease), "%s") .} """ % id_disease )for row in qres:for r in row:print(r.replace('',''))print("\n")



Expected Array :


Please, help me if you know how step to get it.


It should be

listoflists = []for row in qres:a_list = []for r in row:data = r.replace('','')a_list.append(data)listoflists.append(a_list)print listoflists

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