Correct way of coding a Guess the Number game in Python [closed]

2024/7/7 7:14:40

I'm new to python and programming in general and I've written some code for a Guess the Number game in Python. It allows the user 6 attempts at guessing a random number. It works, however I am not sure if this is the best way or most efficient way of writing it and would appreciate it of I could get get some constructive feedback on it.


    #Guess my Number - Exercise 3
#Limited to 5 guessesimport random attempts = 1
secret_number = random.randint(1,100)
isCorrect = False
guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))while secret_number != guess and attempts < 6:if guess < secret_number:print("Higher...")elif guess > secret_number:print("Lower...")guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))attempts += 1if attempts == 6:print("\nSorry you reached the maximum number of tries")print("The secret number was ",secret_number) else:print("\nYou guessed it! The number was " ,secret_number)print("You guessed it in ", attempts,"attempts")input("\n\n Press the enter key to exit")           

I'd refactor your code to use a for loop instead of a while loop. Using a for loop removes the need to manually implement a counter variable:

import randomattempts = 5
secret_number = random.randint(1, 100)for attempt in range(attempts):guess = int(input('Take a guess: '))if guess < secret_number:print('Higher...')elif guess > secret_number:print('Lower...')else:print()print('You guessed it! The number was ', secret_number)print('You guessed it in', attempts, 'attempts')breakif guess != secret_number:print()print('Sorry you reached the maximum number of tries')print('The secret number was', secret_number)

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