Python np.nditer() - ValueError: Too many operands

2024/7/7 5:54:47

I have a few methods which pass different amount of messy data to this function to combine headers with data and return a list of dictionaries:

def zip_data(self, indicator_names, indicator_values):values = [[float(elem) for elem in item] for item in np.nditer(indicator_values)]return [dict(zip(indicator_names, row)) for row in values]

It's basically something like (they do the same):

def zip_large_data(self, indicator_names, indicator_values):data = []for item in np.nditer(indicator_values):values = []values.append(int(item[0]))for elem in item[1:]:values.append(float(elem))data.append(dict(zip(indicator_names, values)))return data

The thing is, it works great if a list of 20 elements is passed, but for like 40 it gives the error:

File "", line 205, in momentum_indicatorsreturn self.zip_large_data(momentum_indicator_names, momentum_indicator_values)

File "", line 51, in zip_large_datafor item in np.nditer(indicator_values):

ValueError: Too many operands

How many values can np.nditer() iterate over? Is there any way to avoid this?


Small example:

indicator_values = [array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), array([5, 10, 15, 20,25])]

indicator_names = ['a', 'b']

Wanted output:

data = [{'a': 1, 'b': 5}, {'a': 2, 'b': 10}, {'a': 3, 'b': 15}, {'a':4, 'b': 20}, {'a': 5, 'b': 25}]

Current status:

def zip_large_data(self, indicator_names, indicator_values):data = []print(indicator_values[0])for item in np.nditer(indicator_values):print(item)values = []values.append(int(item[0]))for elem in item[1:]:values.append(float(elem))data.append(dict(zip(indicator_names, values)))print(data)breakreturn data


In: print(indicator_values[0])

Out: [1 2 3 4 5]

In: print(item)

Out:(array(1), array(5))

In: print(data)

Out: [{'a': 1, 'b': 5}]

So basically I do not want to iterate through the indicator_values sequentially, but first elements of every array, then the second elements of every array etc.. I want to avoid nditer, but don't see how

Sorry English is not my first language, first time working with numpy, it's confusing.


You are hitting the NPY_MAXARGS limit.

I haven't seen a use like this for nditer, so it took me a bit to figure out what was happening. And then I had use a python session to test my ideas. A worked example would have helped.

Usually posters use nditer as a way of simply iterating through an array and do some calculation. Simple iteration (without nditer) is usually faster.nditeris mainly a stepping stone toward implementing the idea incython`.

With a list of arrays, nditer broadcasts them together, and then iterates through the matching elements. It's akin to the common Python list zip idiom (as implied by your function name).

In [152]: list(zip('abc',[1,2,3]))
Out[152]: [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
In [153]: {k:v for k,v in zip('abc',[1,2,3])}
Out[153]: {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

Defining 3 small arrays that can be broadcast against each other:

In [136]: a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
In [137]: b = np.array([[4],[5]])
In [138]: c = np.array([10])
In [140]: np.broadcast_arrays(a,b,c)
[array([[1, 2],[3, 4]]), array([[4, 4],[5, 5]]), array([[10, 10],[10, 10]])]

With nditer:

In [143]: for x in np.nditer([a,b,c]):...:     print(x)...:     
(array(1), array(4), array(10))
(array(2), array(4), array(10))
(array(3), array(5), array(10))
(array(4), array(5), array(10))

and with your function:

In [155]: zip_large_data('abc',[a,b,c])
[{'a': 1, 'b': 4.0, 'c': 10.0},{'a': 2, 'b': 4.0, 'c': 10.0},{'a': 3, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 10.0},{'a': 4, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 10.0}]

If I do same sort of iteration with 32 operands if runs ok, but fails with 33

In [160]: for x in np.nditer([a,b,c]*11):...:     pass ValueError: Too many operands

numpy has a 32 operand limit (and 32 dimension limit). It isn't well documented, and doesn't come up often. I've only seen it in questions using np.choose.

Alternative for numpy.choose that allows an arbitrary or at least more than 32 arguments?

Using numpy.array with large number of dimensions

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