Try Except for one variable in multiple variables

2024/7/7 16:52:11

I am reading every row in a dataframe and assigning its values in each column to the variables The dataframe created using this code

data = [['tom', 10], [, 15], ['juli', 14]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Name', 'Age'])

So after using data.head()

    Name    Age
0   tom     10
1           15
2   juli    14

I want to assign every name to a local variable but what if one name is missing like here how can I do a try and except for this value to assign it automatically 0

try:name1 = ...name2 = ... #What is missingname3 = ...
except:name2 = "Not available"

Remember that if its another name not necessary name 2, what can I do here?


I'm not sure about the use case, but you could always subclass list so that it works how you're expecting it to. You'd also need to remember to use MyList() as a wrapper around the original list.

class MyCallableList(list):def __call__(self, idx: int, default=0):try:return self[idx]except IndexError:return defaultmy_list = MyCallableList([2, 3, 4, 6, 7])assert my_list(0) == 2
assert my_list(3) == 6
assert my_list(5) == 0

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