Python2.7: How to split a column into multiple column based on special strings like this?

2024/7/8 6:38:36

I'm a newbie for programming and python, so I would appreciate your advice!

I have a dataframe like this. enter image description here In 'info' column, there are 7 different categories: activities, locations, groups, skills, sights, types and other. and each categories have unique values within [ ].(ie,"activities":["Tour"]) I would like to split 'info' column into 7 different columns based on each category as shown below.

enter image description here

I would like to allocate appropriate column names and also put corresponding unique strings within [ ] to each row.

Is there any easy way to split dataframe like that? I was thinking to use str.split functions to split into pieces and merge everthing later. But not sure that is the best way to go and I wanted to see if there is more sophisticated way to make a dataframe like this.

Any advice is appreciated!


When print(dframe['info']), it shows like this. enter image description here


It looks like the content of the info column is JSON-formatted, so you can parse that into a dict object easily:

>>> import json
>>> s = '''{"activities": ["Tour"], "locations": ["Tokyo"], "groups": []}'''
>>> j = json.loads(s)
>>> j
{u'activities': [u'Tour'], u'locations': [u'Tokyo'], u'groups': []}

Once you have the data as a dict, you can do whatever you like with it.

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