Access dict via dict.key

2024/10/5 15:08:00

I created a dict source = {'livemode': False}. I thought it's possible to access the livemode value via source.livemode. But it doesn't work. Is there a way to access it that way?

As a not source['livemode'] works, but I need source.livemode as that's already used in my code and I have to handle it as an alternative to the Stripe return value charge.

I want to give a bit more context

Here I create a charge via Stripe:

def _create_charge(self, request, order_reference, order_items_dict, token):try:charge = stripe.Charge.create(amount=order_items_dict['total_gross'],application_fee=order_items_dict['application_fee'],currency=order_items_dict['event'].currency,source=token,stripe_account=order_items_dict['event'].organizer.stripe_account,expand=['balance_transaction', 'application_fee'],)except stripe.error.StripeError as e:body = e.json_bodyerr = body.get('error', {})messages.error(request,err.get('message'))else:if charge.paid and charge.status == 'succeeded':return charge

I can access this with e.g. charge_or_source.livemode

def _create_order(self, request, charge_or_source, order_status):order_reference = request.session.get('order_reference')new_order =, "charge_or_source.livemode")new_order_dict = {'total_gross': self.order_items_dict['total_gross'],'livemode': charge_or_source.livemode,}

Now there is a case (when the order is Free) where I have to 'skip' the _create_charge function but still, I have to send information about charge_or_source.livemode. Therefore I tried to create the above-mentioned dictionary.


I'm a beginner myself, but let me try and answer:

Say you have a dictionary:

dictionary = {"One": 1, "Two": 2, "Three": 3}

You can create a class with its keys like:

class DictKeys:One = 'One'Two = 'Two'Three = 'Three'

Here, One, Two and Three are class variables or attributes, which means if you create an object for this class:

key = DictKeys()

You can access all of those keys using the '.' (dot) operator.


Now just plug it where ever you want to access your dictionary!


I'm sure this isn't the best way, and class access is a tiny bit slower than dict access, but if you really want to, you can access all your keys with a dot using this method.

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