Nan to Num Python

2024/7/7 19:40:12

I have multiple array that for those I calculate a linear regression, but sometimes it gives me 0/0 values which gives me a 'NaN'. I know that to convert an array where there are numbers that are NaN you can convert them using numpy.nan_to_num. But what if I want to convert a single value that's not in a array, but a result of a linear regression calculation?

EDIT: It's not a duplicate question (convert nan value to zero ) since I'm referring to a item/result that is not in a array


numpy.nan_to_num works fine on scalars.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.nan_to_num(float('inf'))
>>> np.nan_to_num(float('nan'))
>>> np.nan_to_num(float('-inf'))

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