Algorithm for finding if an array is balanced [closed]

2024/7/7 6:53:48

I'm trying to create a program that will create a 10 element array and then assign random values to each element. I then want the program to tell if the array is balanced. By balanced I mean, is there anywhere in the array values that at a certain element the sum of the values in the elements are equal to the sum of the array values in the elements greater than that current element.


Element (1,2,3,4) Values (2,1,3,0) The program would then display that elements 1-2 are balanced to elemtns 3-4, because they both equal 4.

So far I have

import randomsize = 10
mean = 0
lists = [0] * size
for i in range(size):var = random.randint(0,4)lists[i] = varfor i in lists:mean += iavg = (mean)/(size)

I figured the only way the elements could be balanced is if the values average is equal to 2, so I figured that's how I should start.

I'd appreciate any help in the right direction.


If I understand the question, the simplest solution is something like this:

def balanced(numbers):for pivot in range(len(numbers)):left_total = sum(numbers[:pivot])right_total = sum(numbers[pivot:])if left_total == right_total:return pivotreturn None

For example:

>>> numbers = [2, 1, 3, 0]
>>> balanced(numbers)
>>> more_numbers = [2, 1, 3, 4]
>>> balanced(numbers)

(That didn't print anything, because it returned None, meaning there is no pivot to balance the list around.)

While this is the simplest solution, it's obviously not the most efficient, because you keep adding the same numbers up over and over.

If you think about it, it should be pretty easy to figure out how to keep running totals for left_total and right_total, only calling sum once.

def balanced(numbers):left_total, right_total = 0, sum(numbers)for pivot, value in enumerate(numbers):if left_total == right_total:return pivotleft_total += valueright_total -= valuereturn None

Finally, here's how you can build a program around it:

size = 10
numbers = [random.range(4) for _ in range(size)]
pivot = balanced(numbers)
if pivot is None:print('{} is not balanced'.format(numbers))
else:print('{} is balanced, because elements 1-{} equal {}-{}'.format(numbers, pivot+1, pivot+2, size+1))

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