Implementing stack in python by using lists as stacks [closed]

2024/7/8 6:47:59

I am create a stack demo with some functionality:

( Method ) __init__(self, n) => How can I initial the fix  n len of stack. ?
( Method ) IsEmpty      => Done by using lists as stacks 
( Method ) IsFull       => Done by using lists as stacks 
( Method ) Push         => Done by using lists as stacks 
( Method ) Pop          => Done by using lists as stacks 

The code i am doing

 class Stack(object) :def __init__(self) :self.items = []def push(self, item) :self.items.append(item)def pop(self) :return self.items.pop()def isEmpty(self) :return (self.items == []) if __name__ == "__main__":demoStack = Stack()demoStack.push(1)print demoStack.items

Anyboday know to do this?



Python's list probably already has everything you want. If you want some additional functionality like limiting max number of objects you should subclass it or wrap around it with another class.

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