import random
number = random.randint(1, 10)player_name = input("Hello, What's your name?")
number_of_guesses = 0
print('okay! '+ player_name+ ' I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10:')while number_of_guesses < 5:
guess = int(input())
number_of_guesses += 1`if guess < number:print('Your guess is too low')if guess > number:print('Your guess is too high')if guess == number:break
if guess == number:print('You guessed the number in ' + str(number_of_guesses) + ' tries!')
else:print('You did not guess the number, The number was ' + str(number))
Above is the normal Python Numberguessing game code.
But I want to make a quiz game using variables or lists without input.
Like using input
import random
number = random.randint(1, 10)list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]number_of_guesses = 0
print(' I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10:')while number_of_guesses < 3:number_of_guesses += 1if list < number:print('Your guess is too low')if list > number:print('Your guess is too high')if list == number:break
if list == number:print('축하합니다! 당신은 {}번의 시도만에 정답을 맞췄습니다.!'.format(number_of_guesses))
else:print('아쉽지만 정답을 맞추지 못했네요. 정답은 {} 이었습니다. 다시 도전해보세요!'.format(number))
I tried to make it using a list or variable, but I failed.
Help me please.**
See my code 👇.
import random
lis=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10]
print('I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10:\n')
for number in lis:number_of_guesses = 0while number_of_guesses<3:guess_number=random.randint(1,10)if number<guess_number:number_of_guesses+=1print('Your guess number is high '+str(guess_number))elif number>guess_number:number_of_guesses+=1print('Your guess number is low '+str(guess_number))else:print("You guess Right The number is: "+str(guess_number)+"\nNumber of guess taken "+str(number_of_guesses+1))breakif number_of_guesses==3:print("Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct")
I am Guessing a number between 1 and 10:Your guess number is high 5
Your guess number is high 10
Your guess number is high 9
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is high 4
Your guess number is high 7
Your guess number is high 3
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is high 5
Your guess number is high 5
Your guess number is high 10
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is high 5
Your guess number is high 8
Your guess number is high 6
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is high 7
Your guess number is low 1
You guess Right The number is: 5
Number of guess taken 3
Your guess number is low 5
Your guess number is high 9
Your guess number is low 3
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is high 10
Your guess number is low 3
Your guess number is low 5
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number correct
Your guess number is low 6
Your guess number is low 5
Your guess number is low 7
Sorry your chances of guessing is over! You can not guess the number
Please give the feedback if this helps to you..!