Tuple Errors Python

2024/7/5 10:55:37

I opened Python and attempted to run the following script (btw, this script is what was directly given to me, I haven't edited it in any way as it's part of an assignment aside from entering the username and the password where the astericks are):

import pymysql
myConnection  = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='****', passwd='****', db='accidents')
cur = myConnection.cursor()
cur.execute('SELECT vtype FROM vehicle_type WHERE  vtype LIKE "%otorcycle%";')
cycleList = cur.fetchall()
selectSQL = ('''SELECT  t.vtype, a.accident_severityFROM accidents_2016 AS aJOIN vehicles_2016 AS v ON  a.accident_index = v.Accident_IndexJOIN vehicle_type AS t ON  v.Vehicle_Type = t.vcodeWHERE t.vtype LIKE %sORDER BY  a.accident_severity;''')
insertSQL = ('''INSERT INTO accident_medians  VALUES (%s, %s);''')for cycle  in cycleList:cur.execute(selectSQL,cycle[0])accidents = cur.fetchall()quotient, remainder =  divmod(len(accidents),2)if  remainder:med_sev =  accidents[quotient][1]else:med_sev =  (accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2print('Finding median  for',cycle[0])cur.execute(insertSQL,(cycle[0],med_sev))

I did the import with the pymysql and installed it via the command line. Additionally, after reading a few other responses due to other errors, I installed the pop cryptography as well. Each time I run the script, I get a new error. Now when I run it, it gives me a different error:

Traceback (most recent call last):File "H:/School/ITS 410/Mod 8/Portfolio.py", line 22, in <module>med_sev =(accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2
IndexError: tuple index out of range

I have only seen this one other time and it was also in Python but I don't remember what it means or how I fixed it.


It is saying that on this line:

med_sev =(accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2

you are trying to index something that doesn't exist. I imagine it is on the part accidents[quotient+2][1] because this is the greater indexed one. What does this mean? Well suppose that accidents is something like

accidents = [[thing0, thing1], [thing2, thing3]]

now say the quotient is 0, so you're code evaluates accidents[2][1]. This doesn't make sense because accidents[0] is [thing0, thing1], and accidents[1] is [thing2, thing3], but there is no accidents[2]. Therefore when Python goes to look find it and assign it to the value med_serv it can't. You can verify and debug the error with:

accidents = cur.fetchall()
quotient, remainder =  divmod(len(accidents),2)
if  remainder:print("quotient: {}".format(quotient))print("accidents: {}".format(accidents))med_sev =  accidents[quotient][1]
else:print("quotient: {}".format(quotient))print("accidents: {}".format(accidents))med_sev =  (accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2

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