Python function calls the wrong method/target

2024/10/6 9:33:11

The following program simulates a traffic light system with some buttons. The buttons appear correctly, but if I'm trying to call the method to create/change the LEDs, it ends up in the wrong method. Here's the important part of the code:

class GUI (threading.Thread):def __init__(self, num):threading.Thread.__init__(self)def run(self):global windowwindow = Tk()window.title('Ampel GUI')window = Canvas(window, width=400, height=200)window.pack()button1 = Button(window, text="Press", command=lambda: pushbutton(25))button1.pack(), y=70)button2 = Button(window, text="Press", command=lambda: pushbutton(12))button2.pack(), y=160)(...)button6 = Button(window, text="V2", command=lambda: pushbutton(22)) # V2button6.pack(), y=130)window.mainloop()@staticmethoddef output(self, lampe, status):if status == 0:if lampe == 21:window.create_oval(140, 30, 160, 10, fill="#FFA6A6")if lampe == 20:window.create_oval(170, 30, 190, 10, fill="#FAFAAA")callthread=GUI()
callthread=threading.Thread(target=GUI.output, args=(21,0))

How do I fix the callthread-part, so that the output method is called with the arguments (21,0)? Right now all that it ends up with is TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

//edit: This is how the fixed version looks like:class GUI (threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self):threading.Thread.__init__(self)def run(self):global windowwindow = Tk()window.title('Ampel GUI')window = Canvas(window, width=400, height=200)window.pack()button1 = Button(window, text="Press", command=lambda: pushbutton(25))button1.pack(), y=70)button2 = Button(window, text="Press", command=lambda: pushbutton(12))button2.pack(), y=160)(...)button6 = Button(window, text="V2", command=lambda: pushbutton(22)) # V2button6.pack(), y=130)window.mainloop()@staticmethoddef output(lampe, status):if status == 0:if lampe == 21:window.create_oval(140, 30, 160, 10, fill="#FFA6A6")if lampe == 20:window.create_oval(170, 30, 190, 10, fill="#FAFAAA")callthread=GUI()
callthread=threading.Thread(target=GUI.output, args=(21,0))

Your error is on this line:


The problem is that __init__ was defined as:

def __init__(self, num):

So either provide an argument when creating a GUI object, or remove the num argument from the __init__ method.

note: This answer applies to the code prior to your edit. After your edit you removed the num argument from __init__. You should no longer get the TypeError with your edited code.

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