Matplotlib plt.xlim([x_min,x_max]), list object not callable

2024/9/19 16:13:59

I want to plot a scatterplot, but set the x-label limits.

axScatter = plt.subplot(111)
xlim = [-0.003, 0.003]

For some reason, I get the error, that the list object is not callable. I am well aware, that the question was asked before here: list not callable for plot, but unfortunately, the solution does not work for me. Is there another way?

Thanks and happy coding


With some help from seaborn, set_xlim and set_ylim properties work quite intuitively:

import seaborn as snsax = sns.lineplot(x=range(0,100),y=range(0,100))ax.set_xlim([50, 100])
ax.set_ylim([50, 100])

see resulting plot

(*Using matplotlib==3.2.2, and seaborn==0.10.1)

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