how to read data from multiple sheets in a single csv file using python [closed]

2024/7/4 15:37:41

I am using python and i had a csv file with data in multiple sheets.

So we can read data from csv file using python as below

Suppose the data in data.csv file in sheet1 is below

what    |   are   |  you   | doing | however
hello   |   that  |  would |   be  | usefulcsv_file = "/home/user/csv_folder/data.csv" for line in open(csv_file,'r'):print line....................

The output for the above will be as below

"what are you doing however"
"hello that would be useful"

but in the same data.csv file, i had data in another sheet2 as below

This    |   will   |  be   |   second  | sheet | data
That    |   would  |  lot  |   useful  | now

Now what i am trying to do is to print the data which is present in another sheets(more than 1 sheets if present in a single csv file).

Can anyone let me now how we can print the data in all the sheets present in a single csv file ?

Can anyone please share a bit of python code that process more than one sheet present in a single csv file ?


There is no concept of "sheets" in csv file like many of the commentators have pointed out correctly.

If you are trying to read "sheets" from an excel file, here is a good blog resource for you to figure out the syntax.

Do note that if you are indeed intending to read "sheets" from an excel file, the 3rd party package recommended by the above blog link xlrd needs to be separately downloaded and installed in your system. Like this:-

pip install xlrd

before you can import xlrd in your python script as recommended by the blog post.

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