How do I repeat the program? [closed]

2024/7/8 7:14:20

I was wondering how to reset this program, and I need help. I have been looking everywhere for an answer, but I can't find a program that works. Can someone please help me?

print("Answer These MATH Questions")
def program():math = int(input("What Is 8 x 4: ")) if math == ("32"):print("You Got The Question Correct") else:print("Sorry You Got The Question Wrong Try Again") program()return

Use while like example. Don't use int for input - maybe it will not number:

while 1:math = input("What Is 8 x 4: ")if not math.isdigit():print("It's not number")elif math == "32":print("You Got The Question Correct")breakelse:print("Sorry You Got The Question Wrong Try Again")

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