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Pygame (Python) - TypeError: Argument must be rect style object
I am trying to make a brick breaker game in Pygame (with Python) but I am stuck at an error.
(this is random text that is necessary so I can post all this code)
import pygame, sys, time, random
from pygame.locals import *
fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock()WINDOWWIDTH = 450
mainwindow = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), 0, 32)
pygame.display.set_caption('Luzion - Brick Breaker')paddle = pygame.image.load('Brick Breaker - Paddle.png')
paddlerect = paddle.get_rect()
paddlerect.topleft = (190, 575)ball = pygame.image.load ('ball.png')
ballrect = ball.get_rect()
ballrect.topleft = (195, 565)cooltext = pygame.image.load('cooltext1.png')
cooltextrect = cooltext.get_rect()
cooltextrect.topleft = (0, 0)BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 128, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
LIME = (0, 255, 0)
TEXTCOLOR = WHITEfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)def displaytext(text, font, surface, x, y):text = font.render(text, 1, TEXTCOLOR)textrect = text.get_rect()textrect.topleft = (x, y)surface.blit(text, textrect)def waitforplayer():while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()if event.type == KEYDOWN:if event.key == K_ESCAPE:pygame.quit()sys.exit()returnrb = pygame.image.load('redblock.png')
rb2 = rb1 = rb
level1blocks = [rb, rb1, rb2]
rbrect = rb.get_rect().topleft = (0, 0)
rb1rect = rb1.get_rect().topleft = (40, 0)
rb2rect = rb2.get_rect().topleft = (80, 0)
level1rects = [rbrect, rb1rect, rb2rect]moveleft = False
moveright = False
SPEED = 7bmoveup = bmovedown = bmoveleft = bmoveright = False
BALLSPEED = 8mainwindow.blit(cooltext, cooltextrect)
time.sleep(1)displaytext('Level 1', font, mainwindow, 150, 100)
time.sleep(1)displaytext('Press any key to begin...', font, mainwindow, 22, 200)
waitforplayer()while True:number = 1for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()if event.type == KEYDOWN:if event.key == ord('a') or event.key == K_LEFT:moveleft = Truemoveright = Falseif event.key == ord('d') or event.key == K_RIGHT:moveleft = Falsemoveright = Trueif event.key == ord('g'):bmoveup = Trueif number == 1:bmoveleft = Trueelse:bmoveright = Trueif event.type == KEYUP:if event.key == ord('a') or event.key == K_LEFT:moveleft = Falseif event.key == ord('d') or event.key == K_RIGHT:moveright = Falseif moveleft and paddlerect.left > 0:paddlerect.left -= SPEEDif moveright and paddlerect.right < WINDOWWIDTH:paddlerect.right += SPEEDif bmovedown and ballrect.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT:ballrect.top += BALLSPEEDif bmoveup and ballrect.top > 0:ballrect.top -= BALLSPEEDif bmoveleft and ballrect.left > 0:ballrect.left -= BALLSPEEDif bmoveright and ballrect.right < WINDOWWIDTH:ballrect.right += BALLSPEEDif ballrect.top <= 0:bmovedown = not bmovedownbmoveup = not bmoveupif ballrect.left <= 0:bmoveleft = not bmoveleftbmoveright = not bmoverightif ballrect.right >= WINDOWWIDTH:bmoveleft = not bmoveleftbmoveright = not bmoverightif ballrect.bottom >= WINDOWHEIGHT:bmovedown = not bmovedownbmoveup = not bmoveupmainwindow.fill(WHITE)mainwindow.blit(paddle, paddlerect)mainwindow.blit(ball, ballrect)for b in range(len(level1blocks)):mainwindow.blit(level1blocks[b], level1rects[b])for i in level1rects[:]:if ballrect.colliderect(i):level1blocks.remove(i)level1rects.remove(i)bmovedown = not bmovedownbmoveup = not bmoveupbmoveleft = not bmoveleftbmoveright = not bmoverightif ballrect.colliderect(paddlerect):bmovedown = not bmovedownbmoveup = not bmoveupbmoveleft = not bmoveleftbmoveright = not bmoverightpygame.display.update()fpsclock.tick(35)
Traceback (most recent call last):File "C:/Python32/brick breaker", line 140, in <module>if ballrect.colliderect(i):
TypeError: Argument must be rect style object
I have no clue how to solve this error, please help.