Fix a function returning duplicates over time?

2024/7/7 7:51:27

I have a function here that returns a 4 digit string. The problem is that when I run the function like 500 times or more, it starts to return duplicates. How to avoid that?

My Function:

import random
def CreatePass():Num = str(random.randint(1000, 9999)return Num

Generate a list, shuffle that and pop from it each time the function is called:

import randomdef CreatePass(_numbers=[]):if not _numbers:_numbers[:] = range(1000, 10000)random.shuffle(_numbers)              return str(_numbers.pop())

Note that this re-generates the _numbers list once you've run out, but then you've used up all 8999 possible numbers and would have to accept repetitions anyway.

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