How to run a shell script once a day?

2024/7/5 12:15:48

I am trying to run this particular shell script only one time, daily. Here's my code for

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport os
from extras.download_datos_desambiguar import
y=x.replace(, hour=09, minute=00, second=0, microsecond=0)
delta_t=y-xsecs=delta_t.seconds+1def fourdlife():print "checking function"os.system("~/code/4dlife_repo/4dbatch/src/engines/extras/download_datos_desambiguar/")t = Timer(secs, fourdlife)
print "timer started"

I am running this code in my file like this:

while True:os.system("./")#some other processes

where is

python ~/code/4dlife_repo/4dbatch/src/engines/extras/download_datos_desambiguar/

This python code is always running on my apache2 server.

However, this is working at any given hour and not just the specified hour. What am I doing wrong? Also, I feel there is a much better way to do this. I looked at the cron task but that's not what I am looking for. I don't want my program to go to sleep() because I need the other processes to run after the process. What is the best way to do this?


The command crontab -e will open up an interactive editor within which you can define a cron job.

Within that editor's buffer, you can then enter a line such as the following (and then save it):

00 00 * * * /path/to/

This command will run every midnight.

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