How to understand regular expression with python?

2024/7/5 11:14:47

I'm new with python. Could anybody help me on how I can create a regular expression given a list of strings like this:

  test_string =  "pero pero CC tan tan RGantigua antiguo AQ0FS0que que CS según según SPS00 mi mi DP1CSS madre madre NCFS000"

How to return a tuple like this:

> ([madre, NCFS00],[antigua, AQ0FS0]) 

I would like to return the word with it's associated tag given test_string, this is what I've done:

# -- coding: utf-8 --
import re#str = "pero pero CC " \"tan tan RG " \"antigua antiguo AQ0FS0" \"que que CS " \"según según SPS00 " \"mi mi DP1CSS " \"madre madre NCFS000"tupla1 = re.findall(r'(\w+)\s\w+\s(AQ0FS0)', str)
print tupla1tupla2 = re.findall(r'(\w+)\s\w+\s(NCFS00)',str)
print tupla2

The output is the following:

[('antigua', 'AQ0FS0')] [('madre', 'NCFS00')]

The problem with this output is that if I pass it along test_string I need to preserve the "order" or "occurrence" of the tags (i.e. I only can print a tuple if and only if they have the following order: AQ0FS0 and NCFS000 in other words: female adjective, female noun).


Dont really know the basis for this selection but still you can get it like this.Just grab the captures.Dont forget to set the flags g and m.See demo.

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