I have empty queryset of model Student
students = Students.objects.all()
If the above queryset is empty, then how can i get the model(class name)?
How can i get the model name for empty queryset?
How can i get the app name from the queryset?
I have empty queryset of model Student
students = Students.objects.all()
If the above queryset is empty, then how can i get the model(class name)?
How can i get the model name for empty queryset?
How can i get the app name from the queryset?
>>> students = Students.objects.all()# The queryset's model class:
>>> students.model
project.app.models.Student# Name of the model class:
>>> students.model.__name__
'Student'# Import path of the models module:
>>> students.model.__module__
'project.app.models'# Django app name:
>>> students.model._meta.app_label