Python mysql-connector hangs indefinitely when connecting to remote mysql via SSH

2024/10/16 3:24:28

I am Testing out connection to mysql server with python. I need to ssh into the server and establish a mysql connection. The following code works:

from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
import pymysql
import mysql.connectorwith SSHTunnelForwarder((ssh_host, 22), ssh_username=ssh_user, ssh_password=ssh_password,remote_bind_address=("", 3306)) as tunnel:config = {'user': user,'password': password,'host': tunnel.local_bind_host,'port': tunnel.local_bind_port,'database': db}conn = pymysql.connect(**config)query = '''SELECT VERSION();'''data = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)print(data)connection.close()

However, when using mysql.connector instead of pymysql such as below:

with SSHTunnelForwarder((ssh_host, 22), ssh_username=ssh_user, ssh_password=ssh_password,remote_bind_address=("", 3306)) as tunnel:config = {'user': user,'password': password,'host': tunnel.local_bind_host,'port': tunnel.local_bind_port,'database': db}conn = mysql.connector.connect(**config)mycursor = cnx.cursor()mycursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")myresult = mycursor.fetchall()

The code stops at conn = mysql.connector.connect(**config). It never gives an error or stops, it just hangs on this line.

Why is this?

Aren't the config attributes valid for this module?


As there seems to be an aswer here I followed the comment from @André Restivo and it seems to work for me, set use_pure to True. I'm not sure what does this exactly do:

    def __get_db_connection(self) -> None:"""Connect to the database"""try:logger.debug(f'Connecting to mysql db "{self.config.mysql_database}"...')with mysql.connector.connect(host=self.config.mysql_ip,port=self.tunnel.local_bind_port,user=self.config.mysql_user,password=self.config.mysql_password,database=self.config.mysql_database,use_pure=True) as connection:self.connection = mysql.connector as e:logger.error(e)raise

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