How to find the version of jupyter notebook from within the notebook

2024/10/15 21:18:03

I wish to return the version of Jupyter Notebook from within a cell of a notebook.

For example, to get the python version, I run:

from platform import python_version

or to get the pandas version:


I have tried:


and several other, related forms (including capitalizing the first letters), but get errors that (for example):

NameError: name 'jupyter' is not defined

I am aware of other ways (e.g. clicking on Help>About in the GUI menu; using the conda command line) but I want to automate documentation of all package versions.

If it matters, I am running v6.1.1 of Notebook in a Python 3.7.3 environment.


Paste the following command into your jupyter cell(exclamation symbol means that you need to run shell command, not python)

!jupyter --version

example output:

jupyter core     : 4.6.0
jupyter-notebook : 6.0.1
qtconsole        : 4.7.5
ipython          : 7.8.0
ipykernel        : 5.1.3
jupyter client   : 5.3.4
jupyter lab      : not installed
nbconvert        : 5.6.0
ipywidgets       : 7.5.1
nbformat         : 4.4.0
traitlets        : 4.3.3

To get the python version use the python --version command:

!python --version

example output:

Python 3.6.8

UPDATE: to get values as dict you can use the following script(not perfect, written in 3 minutes)

import subprocess
versions = subprocess.check_output(["jupyter", "--version"]).decode().split('\n')
parsed_versions = {}
for component in versions:if component == "":continuecomps = list(map(str.strip, component.split(': ')))parsed_versions[comps[0]] = comps[1]

Value of parsed_versions variable

{"jupyter core": "4.6.0","jupyter-notebook": "6.0.1","qtconsole": "4.7.5","ipython": "7.8.0","ipykernel": "5.1.3","jupyter client": "5.3.4","jupyter lab": "not installed","nbconvert": "5.6.0","ipywidgets": "7.5.1","nbformat": "4.4.0","traitlets": "4.3.3"

UPDATE 2: Thanks to @TrentonMcKinney for suggestions on how to make this script better

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