how do you install django older version using easy_install?

2024/10/15 18:26:29

I just broke my environment because of django 1.3. None of my sites are able to run.

So, i decided to use virtualenv to set virtual environment with different python version as well as django.

But, seems like if i download the package and install using "sudo python install" this does not get added to my virtual environment, but my original environment.

I tried "easy_install django" in virtual environment virtualenv_name/bin folder, and it worked, but the problem is django1.3 was chosen automatically and got added.

I want to install django 1.2.5, is there a way that i can install easily to my virtual env?


It's probably better to use Pip instead of easy_install.

Then make sure you create you virtualenv with the --no-site-packages-option.

For convenience you should consider using virtualenvwrapper in conjunction with virtualenv.

Check this introductory post to get an idea.

And finally make sure to specify the exact version you want to install. In your case try:

pip install django==1.2.5

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