mysql-connector python IN operator stored as list

2024/10/15 15:22:36

I am using mysql-connector with python and have a query like this:

SELECT avg(downloadtime) FROM tb_npp where date(date) between %s and %s and host like %s",(s_date,e_date,"%" + dc + "%")

NOw, if my variable 'dc' is a list like this:

 dc = ['sjc','iad','las']

Then I have a mysql query like below:

SELECT avg(downloadtime) FROM tb_npp where date(date) = '2013-07-01' and substring(host,6,3) in ('sjc','las');

My question is, how do I write this query in my python code which will convert my variable 'dc' to a list?

I tried the below query but getting error: Failed processing format-parameters; 'MySQLConverter' object has no attribute '_list_to_mysql'

cursor3.execute("SELECT avg(downloadtime) FROM tb_npp where date(date) between %s and %s and substring(host,6,3) in %s",(s_date,e_date,dc))

Can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


I'm not familiar with mysql-connector, but its behavior appears to be similar to MySQLdb in this regard. If that's true, you need to use a bit of string formatting:

sql = """SELECT avg(downloadtime) FROM tb_npp where date(date) = %s and substring(host,6,3) in ({c})""".format(c=', '.join(['%s']*len(dc)))    
args = ['2013-07-01'] + dc
cursor3.execute(sql, args)

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