connection times out when trying to connect to mongodb atlas with python

2024/10/15 1:21:15

I'm trying to connect to my mongodb atlas cluster but i keep getting timed out as soon as i try to do something with my db.

The db i use was created in mongoshell and also the collection i checked their existence in mongodb compass


pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: timed out, timed out, timed out


client = MongoClient("""mongodb://user:[email protected]:27017,,""")client.projekt.category.insert_one({type : "pants"}).inserted_id

SO the problem is with your IP Address,

  1. GO to the Network Access panel in MongoDB Atlas
  2. In the IP Access List section, you will find all your IP addresses
  3. Click on edit tab for the current IP address you are using
  4. There change the setting to ALLOW ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE

That's it, it will work!

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