Python does not consider distutils.cfg

2024/10/14 13:19:39

I have tried everything given and the tutorials all point in the same direction about using mingw as a compiler in python instead of visual c++.

I do have visual c++ and mingw both. Problem started coming when I wanted to install using pip. It always gave Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

So as per suggestions I created a file distutils.cfg under the following path c:/python27/Lib/distutils/ and added the following two lines:


However, this file has no effect whatsoever. The same error still exists while using pip. I am trying to install numpy by the way currently although the error came earlier also.


Cost me several hours to figure this out but now works like a charm. I am on Windows 64bit and using a scientific Python distribution Enthought Canopy.

  1. Ensure you have installed MinGW and the Compilers you need (C, C++, Fortran..)

  2. Add C:\MingW\bin to your PATH in Environment variables

  3. In C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy32\App\appdata\\Lib\distutils, create with notepad++ or similiar a new file distutils.cfg

Write and save:

compiler = mingw32[build_ext]
compiler = mingw32

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