Paho MQTT Python Client: No exceptions thrown, just stops

2024/10/14 11:19:40

I try to setup a mqtt client in python3. This is not the first time im doing this, however i came across a rather odd behaviour. When trying to call a function, which contains a bug, from one of the callback functions (on_connect or on_message), python does not throw an exception (at least it is not printed), it just stops there. I tied together a short example, that reproduces that behaviour.

Does someone has an idea?

import paho.mqtt.client as mqttimport re
import os.pathimport json
from termcolor import coloredclient = mqtt.Client()def func():test = 1 + "1"print("Should never reach that")def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):"""Establishes connection to broker"""print("Connected to broker with result code " + str(rc))client.subscribe("test")def on_message(client,userdata,msg):print("Recieved message on " + msg.topic)params = {}if msg.topic == "test":print("Invoke func")func()if __name__ == "__main__":client.on_connect = on_connectclient.on_message = on_messageclient.connect("localhost",1883,60)client.loop_forever()

This is the output when sending a message to the topic "test":

Connected to broker with result code 0
Recieved message on test
Invoke func

When calling func() from main, i get the correct TypeError thrown. So something catches this exception in paho. I had a look at an olderproject (python2 though) and tried to recreate the behaviour. There the exception gets thrown correctly. What do i miss?

EDIT I can catch the exception by putting the func() call in a try block. How ever, it does not stop the execution of the program when not catched. I dont get why


For anybody who comes across this and wonders why all exceptions inside of a mqtt callback are not thrown or at least not visible: In contrast to the python2 version of paho, the clients already catches ALL exceptions that occur when calling on of the user set callback functions. The output of this catch is then outputted to the on_log callback function. If this is not implemented by the user, there will be no visible output. So just add

def on_log(client, userdata, level, buff):print(buff)mqttc.on_log = on_log

to your code, to print out the exception.

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