find least common denominator for list of fractions in python

2024/10/14 5:10:07

I have a list of fractions

from fractions import Fractionfractions_list=[Fraction(3,14),Fraction(1,7),Fraction(9,14)]

The output should be a list with the numerators for each fraction, then the denominator for all of them at the end and in simplest form. For above example the result (3/14, 2/14, 9/14) would be represented as follows


Is there an elegant solution for this? All I can think of involves a lot of intermediate lists to store some variables and scales horribly.

import numpy as npfractions_list=[Fraction(3,14),Fraction(1,7),Fraction(9,14)]lcm = np.lcm.reduce([fr.denominator for fr in fractions_list])vals = [int(fr.numerator * lcm / fr.denominator) for fr in fractions_list]

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