Wildcard namespaces in lxml

2024/10/13 19:24:23

How to query using xpath ignoring the xml namespace? I am using python lxml library. I tried the solution from this question but doesn't seem to work.

In [151]: e.find("./*[local-name()='Buckets']")File "<string>", line unknown
SyntaxError: invalid predicate

Use e.xpath, not e.find:

import lxml.etree as ETcontent = '''\
<Envelope xmlns="http://www.example.com/zzz/yyy"><Header><Version>1</Version></Header><Buckets>some stuff</Buckets>
root = ET.fromstring(content)
# [<Element {http://www.example.com/zzz/yyy}Buckets at 0xb73a62ac>]

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