Why is tuple being returned?

2024/10/13 17:20:39

I have the following:

tableNumber = session.query(TABLE.TABLESNUMBER).filter_by(TABLESID=self.TABLESID).first()         
return str(tableNumber)

This is my TABLE class:

class TABLE(Base):....   TABLESID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)TABLESNUMBER = Column(Integer, nullable=False)...

This is the output I am receiving:


In my mySQL database, all both values above are represented as ints.

I would just like 1 to be returned.


query().first() returns the first row. That's why a tuple is being returned. The query does not care that in the first row there is only 1 value, resulting in a tuple of length 1.

If you're sure the query will return only 1 scalar value, you can use scalar() instead of first(). Please read up the linked documentation.

edit: To get the first value in the first returned tuple, when the query may return multiple rows, you can either add order_by(...).limit(1) to the query and then use scalar(), or get the first row and and then explicitly convert the tuple to an int.


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