How to use HTTP method DELETE on Google App Engine?

2024/10/12 18:15:35

I can use this verb in the Python Windows SDK. But not in production. Why? What am I doing wrong?

The error message includes (only seen via firebug or fiddler)

Malformed request

or something like that

My code looks like:

from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.ext import webappclass Handler(webapp.RequestHandler):def delete(self):key = self.request.get('key')item = db.get(key)item.delete()self.response.out.write(key)

Your handler looks OK, are you sure you're sending the request correctly? Using jQuery, this works for me (both using dev_appserver and google app engine production):

$('#delete-button').click(function() {$.ajax({'type': 'DELETE','url': '/some/url/that/handles/delete'})
});class DeleteHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):def delete(self):if users.get_current_user() == allowed_user:the_data_model.delete()else:self.response.out.write('Permission denied')

Sending a response body/message did not work for me (e.g. the "permission denied" message in my example won't get to the client). Have you verified your items aren't deleted?

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