How can I set up Celery to call a custom worker initialization?

2024/10/12 9:28:53

I am quite new to Celery and I have been trying to setup a project with 2 separate queues (one to calculate and the other to execute). So far, so good.

My problem is that the workers in the execute queue need to instantiate a class with a unique object_id (one id per worker). I was wondering if I could write a custom worker initialization to initialize the object at start and keep it in memory until the worker is killed.

I found a similar question on custom_task but the proposed solution does not work in my case.

Considering the following toy example:

from celery import Celeryapp = Celery('proj',broker='amqp://guest@localhost//',backend='amqp://',include=['proj.tasks'])app.conf.update(CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES=60,CELERY_ROUTES = {"proj.tasks.add1": {"queue": "q1"}},
)if __name__ == '__main__':app.start()

from proj.celery import app
from celery.signals import worker_init@worker_init.connect(sender='worker1@hostname')
def configure_worker1(*args, **kwargs):#SETUP id=1 for add1 here???@worker_init.connect(sender='worker2@hostname')
def configure_worker2(*args, **kwargs):#SETUP id=2 for add1 here???@app.task
def add1(y):return id + y@app.task
def add(x, y):return x + y


celery multi start worker1 -A proj -l info -Q q1
celery multi start worker2 -A proj -l info -Q q1
celery multi start worker3 -A proj -l info

Is this the right approach? If so, what should I write in the configure_worker1 function in to setup id at the worker initialization?



I found out the answer by following this

The looks like this:

from proj.celery import app
from celery import Taskclass Task1(Task):def __init__(self):self._x = 1.0class Task2(Task):def __init__(self):self._x = 2.0@app.task(base=Task1)
def add1(y):return add1._x + y@app.task(base=Task2)
def add2(y):return add2._x + y

initializing as before:

celery multi start worker1 -A proj -l info -Q q1
celery multi start worker2 -A proj -l info -Q q1
celery multi start worker3 -A proj -l info

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