Python monkey patch private function

2024/10/11 22:25:42

I have a module with a function (call it a()) that calls another function defined in the same module (call it __b()). __b() is a function which speaks to a website via urllib2 and gets some data back. Now I'm trying to test a(), but of course would rather not have my unit tests speak to the public internet. Thus, I'm thinking if I can monkey patch __b() with a function which returns canned data, then I can write the tests for a().

To be more concrete, my module looks kinda like:

def a():return __b("someval")def __b(args):return something_complex_with_args

So now I want to test a(), but I need to monkey patch out __b. The problem is that A) the vast majority of information on monkey patching applies to methods of a class, not to functions in a module, and B) the function I want to monkey patch is private. I am willing to change __b to be non-private if it makes the process more feasible, but would rather not.


Edit: as it stands the test class looks like:

from unittest import TestCaseimport mymoduledef newfn(args):return {"a" : "b"}mymodule._b = newfnclass TestMyModule(TestCase):def test_basic(self):print(mymodule.a('somearg'))

And when I run this, I see the output if the monkey patching had not been done at all, rather than seeing {'a': 'b'} get printed out.


I can't seem to reproduce your issue (I've tweaked your example a bit, since it doesn't run at all as-is). Did you just mistype something (like mymodule._b instead of mymodule.__b)?

def a(x):return __b("someval")def __b(args):return "complex_thingy: {}".format(args)

from unittest import TestCaseimport mymoduledef newfn(args):return {"a" : "b"}mymodule.__b = newfnclass TestMyModule(TestCase):def test_basic(self):print(mymodule.a('somearg'))


C:\TEMP>python -m unittest mytest
{'a': 'b'}
Ran 1 test in 0.001sOKC:\TEMP>

Seems to work fine.

Or outside of unittest:

import mymoduledef newfn(args):return {"a" : "b"}mymodule.__b = newfnprint(mymodule.a('somearg'))


{'a': 'b'}C:\TEMP>

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