Conda and Python Modules

2024/10/11 16:28:37

Sadly, I do not understand how to install random python modules for use within iPython Notebooks with my Anaconda distribution. The issue is compounded by the fact that I need to be able to do these things without always using a live internet connection.

Most frequently I run into a problem with gcc compiling, where I can install a module with my basic Python2.7, but not with Conda or with the Anaconda/Python.exe.

  • Is Conda only able to install certain modules, as opposed to all valid python modules?

  • What is binstar?

  • What do I have to do, if anything, to a normal python module in order to make it "Conda-ready," so to speak?

  • Once I have downloaded a python module from SourceForge or GitHub or wherever, how can I ask Conda to install that module from the source files / binary on my computer (without having to connect to the internet)?

Help is greatly appreciated.


Q1: Is Conda only able to install certain modules, as opposed to all valid python modules?

If I understood your question correct, then it is along the lines "How do I get access to all the Anaconda packages"?

A: You go online (!), open your cmd.exe or shell and type:

conda update conda.

Hit y+enter when prompted. When the installer is done, you type:

conda update anaconda.

If you get an error in that process, then I would guess your $PATH$ variable needs a check. Google this problem, or cd into the anaconda folder and try again. If it still fails, then try downloading the anaconda package from here and install it again and press Y when prompted to setup Anaconda as default python.

Q2: What is binstar?

A: A package manager. I don't think you need it.

Q3: What do I have to do, if anything, to a normal python module in order to make it "Conda-ready," so to speak?

A: Nothing. You can just run it from the IPython GUI using %run

Here is an example: Let's write the following Python script in a file called

print("Running script.")
x = 12
print("'x' is now equal to {0:d}.".format(x))

Now, assuming we are in the directory where this file is located, we can execute it in IPython by entering the following command:

In [1]: %run
Running script.
'x' is now equal to 12.
In [2]: x
Out[2]: 12

When running the script, the standard output of the console displays any print statement. At the end of execution, the x variable defined in the script is then included in the interactive namespace, which is quite convenient.

Q4: Once I have downloaded a python module from SourceForge or GitHub or wherever, how can I ask Conda to install that module from the source files / binary on my computer (without having to connect to the internet)?

A: I don't download anything from anywhere manually. If you have to you can use pip or easy_install when absolute necessary, but before you experiment with these functions, please start by checking the Anaconda docs here. There are plenty of packages, and I would be surprised if they do not cover your needs.

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