Allow dynamic choice in Django ChoiceField

2024/10/11 6:33:32

I'm using Select2 in my application for creating tags-like select dropdowns. Users can select number of predefined tags or create a new tag.

Relevant forms class part:

   all_tags = Tag.objects.values_list('id', 'word')# Tagstags = forms.ChoiceField(choices=all_tags,widget=forms.Select(attrs={'class': 'question-tags','multiple': 'multiple',}))

The problem is that Django won't allow custom tags(choices) upon validation. There error I'm getting looks like this: Select a valid choice. banana is not one of the available choices.

Is there any way around it?



I would change the choicefield to charfield, and use the clean method to filter unwanted choices depending on certain conditions. Simply changing it to a char field with a select widget would work since Select2 is javascript anyways.

class Myform(forms.Form):tags = forms.CharField(max_length=254,widget=forms.Select(choices=tags,  # here we set choices as part of the select widgetattrs={'class': 'question-tags','multiple': 'multiple',}))def clean_tags(self):tags = self.cleaned_data['tags']# more tag cleaning logic herereturn tags

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