How can I get the name/file of the script from

2024/10/11 0:29:46

When I run any Python script, I would like to see the script's filename appear in the Windows command line window's titlebar. For example, if I run a script called "", I want to see "mytest" in the titlebar. I would like this to be automatic, so I don't have to add code to every one of my scripts.

Currently I'm attempting to do this with, because when Python is run, including from double-clicking a Python script, sitecustomize is imported before the script runs.

I've tried getting __main__'s __file__ and sys.argv, but sitecustomize doesn't see either:


import __main__, sys
print "hasattr __main__.__file__:", hasattr(__main__, "__file__")
print "hasattr sys.argv:", hasattr(sys, "argv")
print "-" * 60


import sys
print "__file__ is:", __file__
print "sys.argv is:", sys.argv
raw_input() # don't end the script immediately


hasattr __main__.__file__: False
hasattr sys.argv: False
__file__ is: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\
sys.argv is: ['C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\Desktop\\']

I'm glad you asked! I now have it working for my scripts, and it's pretty cool.

Here's the code:

import sys
import time
from ctypes import windllclass SetTitle(object):def __del__(self):time.sleep(1)command = ' '.join(sys.argv)windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA(command)sys.argv = SetTitle()

This is for Python 2.x -- for 3.x you need to change SetConsoleTitleA to SetConsoleTitleW (last letter changes from A to W).

How it works: since the sys.argv object does yet exist, I create an object and assign it to sys.argv; then, when Python assigns the actual argv to sys.argv, my object is tossed, and the __del__ method is called; the __del__ method is then able to access the real argv and set the title bar accordingly. I put the 1 second sleep in just to avoid any possible race conditions, but I'm not sure it's necessary. If you don't want to see all the command-line args, you can pre-process command any way you like.

My thanks to the folks on python-win32 mailing list, and Thomas Heller in particular, for helping with the 'set title' portion of this question.

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