Produce PDF files, draw polygons with rounded corners

2024/10/10 22:20:44

What's the right tool for the job if I want to write a Python script that produces vector graphics in PDF format? In particular, I need to draw filled polygons with rounded corners (i.e., plane figures that are composed of straight lines and circular arcs).

It seems that matplotlib makes it fairly easy to draw rectangles with rounded corners and general polygons with sharp corners. However, to draw polygons with rounded corners, it seems that I have to first compute a Bézier curve that approximates the shape.

Is there anything more straightforward available? Or is there another library that I can use to compute the Bézier curve that approximates the shape that I want to produce? Ideally, I would simply specify the (location, corner radius) pair for each vertex.

Here is an example: I would like to specify the red polygon (+ the radius of each corner) and the library would output the grey figure:


(For convex polygons I could cheat and use a thick pen to draw the outline of the polygon. However, this does not work in the non-convex case.)


Here's a somewhat hacky matplotlib solution. The main complications are related to using matplotlib Path objects to build a composite Path.

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch, Polygon
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, BboxTransformTodef side(a, b, c):"On which side of line a-b is point c? Returns -1, 0, or 1."return np.sign(np.linalg.det(np.c_[[a,b,c],[1,1,1]]))def center((prev, curr, next), radius):"Find center of arc approximating corner at curr."p0, p1 = prevc0, c1 = currn0, n1 = nextdp = radius * np.hypot(c1 - p1, c0 - p0)dn = radius * np.hypot(c1 - n1, c0 - n0)p = p1 * c0 - p0 * c1n = n1 * c0 - n0 * c1results = \np.linalg.solve([[p1 - c1, c0 - p0],[n1 - c1, c0 - n0]],[[p - dp, p - dp, p + dp, p + dp],[n - dn, n + dn, n - dn, n + dn]])side_n = side(prev, curr, next)side_p = side(next, curr, prev)for r in results.T:if (side(prev, curr, r), side(next, curr, r)) == (side_n, side_p):return rraise ValueError, "Cannot find solution"def proj((prev, curr, next), center):"Project center onto lines prev-curr and next-curr."p0, p1 = prev = np.asarray(prev)c0, c1 = curr = np.asarray(curr)n0, n1 = next = np.asarray(next)pc = curr - prevnc = curr - nextpc2 =, pc)nc2 =, nc)return (prev + - prev, pc)/pc2 * pc,next + - next, nc)/nc2 * nc)def rad2deg(angle):return angle * 180.0 / np.pidef angle(center, point):x, y = np.asarray(point) - np.asarray(center)return np.arctan2(y, x)def arc_path(center, start, end):"Return a Path for an arc from start to end around center."# matplotlib arcs always go ccw so we may need to mirrormirror = side(center, start, end) < 0if mirror: start *= [1, -1]center *= [1, -1]end *= [1, -1]return Path.arc(rad2deg(angle(center, start)),rad2deg(angle(center, end))), \mirrordef path(vertices, radii):"Return a Path for a closed rounded polygon."if np.isscalar(radii):radii = np.repeat(radii, len(vertices))else:radii = np.asarray(radii)pv = []pc = []first = Truefor i in range(len(vertices)):if i == 0:seg = (vertices[-1], vertices[0], vertices[1])elif i == len(vertices) - 1:seg = (vertices[-2], vertices[-1], vertices[0])else:seg = vertices[i-1:i+2]r = radii[i]c = center(seg, r)a, b = proj(seg, c)arc, mirror = arc_path(c, a, b)m = [1,1] if not mirror else [1,-1]bb = Bbox([c, c + (r, r)])iter = arc.iter_segments(BboxTransformTo(bb))for v, c in iter:if c == Path.CURVE4:pv.extend([m * v[0:2], m * v[2:4], m * v[4:6]])pc.extend([c, c, c])elif c == Path.MOVETO:pv.append(m * v)if first:pc.append(Path.MOVETO)first = Falseelse:pc.append(Path.LINETO)pv.append([0,0])pc.append(Path.CLOSEPOLY)return Path(pv, pc)if __name__ == '__main__':from matplotlib import pyplotfig = pyplot.figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111)vertices = [[3,0], [5,2], [10,0], [6,9], [6,5], [3, 5], [0,2]]patch = Polygon(vertices, edgecolor='red', facecolor='None',linewidth=1)ax.add_patch(patch)patch = PathPatch(path(vertices, 0.5), edgecolor='black', facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4,linewidth=2)ax.add_patch(patch)ax.set_xlim(-1, 11)ax.set_ylim(-1, 9)fig.savefig('foo.pdf')

output of script above

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