pandas data frame - select rows and clear memory?

2024/10/10 16:24:22

I have a large pandas dataframe (size = 3 GB):

x = read.table('big_table.txt', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0)

Because I'm working under memory constraints, I subset the dataframe:

rows = calculate_rows() # a function that calculates what rows I need
cols = calculate_cols() # a function that calculates what cols I need
x = x.iloc[rows, cols]

The functions that calculate the rows and columns are not important, but they are DEFINITELY a smaller subset of the original rows and columns. However, when I do this operation, memory usage increases by a lot! The original goal was to shrink the memory footprint to less than 3GB, but instead, memory usage goes well over 6GB.

I'm guessing this is because Python creates a local copy of the dataframe in memory, but doesn't clean it up. There may also be other things that are happening... So my question is how do I subset a large dataframe and clean up the space? I can't find a function that selects rows/cols in place.

I have read a lot of Stack Overflow, but can't find much on this topic. It could be I'm not using the right keywords, so if you have suggestions, that could also help. Thanks!


You are much better off doing something like this:

Specify usecols to sub-select which columns you want in the first place to read_csv, see here.

Then read the file in chunks, see here, if the rows that you want are select, shunt them to off, finally concatenating the result.

Pseudo-code ish:

reader = pd.read_csv('big_table.txt', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0, usecols=the_columns_i_want_to_use, chunksize=10000)df = pd.concat([ chunk.iloc[rows_that_I_want_] for chunk in reader ])

This will have a constant memory usage (the size of a chunk)

plus the selected rows usage x 2, which will happen when you concat the rows after the concat the usage will go down to selected rows usage

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