How to return cost, grad as tuple for scipys fmin_cg function

2024/10/10 12:22:50

How can I make scipy's fmin_cg use one function that returns cost and gradient as a tuple? The problem with having f for cost and fprime for gradient, is that I might have to perform an operation twice (very costly) by which the grad and cost is calculated. Also, sharing the variables between them could be troublesome.

In Matlab however, fmin_cg works with one function that returns cost and gradient as tuple. I don't see why scipy's fmin_cg cannot provide such convenience.

Thanks in advance...


You can use scipy.optimize.minimize with jac=True. If that's not an option for some reason, then you can look at how it handles this situation:

class MemoizeJac(object):""" Decorator that caches the value gradient of function each time itis called. """def __init__(self, fun) = funself.jac = Noneself.x = Nonedef __call__(self, x, *args):self.x = numpy.asarray(x).copy()fg =, *args)self.jac = fg[1]return fg[0]def derivative(self, x, *args):if self.jac is not None and numpy.alltrue(x == self.x):return self.jacelse:self(x, *args)return self.jac

This class wraps a function that returns function value and gradient, keeping a one-element cache and checks that to see if it already knows its result. Usage:

fmemo = MemoizeJac(f, fprime)
xopt = fmin_cg(fmemo, x0, fmemo.derivative)

The strange thing about this code is that it assumes f is always called before fprime (but not every f call is followed by an fprime call). I'm not sure if scipy.optimize actually guarantees that, but the code can be easily adapted to not make that assumption, though. Robust version of the above (untested):

class MemoizeJac(object):def __init__(self, fun) = funself.value, self.jac = None, Noneself.x = Nonedef _compute(self, x, *args):self.x = numpy.asarray(x).copy()self.value, self.jac =, *args)def __call__(self, x, *args):if self.value is not None and numpy.alltrue(x == self.x):return self.valueelse:self._compute(x, *args)return self.valuedef derivative(self, x, *args):if self.jac is not None and numpy.alltrue(x == self.x):return self.jacelse:self._compute(x, *args)return self.jac

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