Django: determine which user is deleting when using post_delete signal

2024/10/10 10:28:28

I want admins to be notified when certain objects are deleted but I also want to determine which user is performing the delete.

Is it possible?

This is the code:

# signal to notify admins when nodes are deleted
from django.db.models.signals import post_delete
from settings import DEBUGdef notify_on_delete(sender, instance, using, **kwargs):''' Notify admins when nodes are deleted. Only for production use '''if DEBUG:#return Falsepass# prepare contextcontext = {'node': instance,'site': SITE}# notify admins that want to receive notificationsnotify_admins(instance, 'email_notifications/node-deleted-admin_subject.txt', 'email_notifications/node-deleted-admin_body.txt', context, skip=False)post_delete.connect(notify_on_delete, sender=Node)

I doubt it's possible using the built-in signals (there is no User implicitly tied to a delete operation, and because of Django's loose coupling the database layer doesn't deal with HttpRequest objects). I would create my own signal which provides a user argument and send it in whatever view the delete operation takes place, something like:

# myapp/
from django.dispatch import Signal
my_post_delete = Signal(providing_args=['instance', 'user'])# myapp/
from myapp.signals import my_post_delete
my_post_delete.connect(notify_on_delete, sender=Node)# myapp/
from myapp.signals import my_post_delete
def my_delete_view(request, ...)...instance = Node.objects.get(...)instance.delete()my_post_delete.send(sender=Node, instance=instance, user=request.user)

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