How can I access tablet pen data via Python?

2024/10/10 4:19:11

I need to access a windows tablet pen data (such as the surface) via Python. I mainly need the position, pressure, and tilt values.

I know how to access the Wacom pen data but the windows pen is different.

There is a Python library named Kivy that can handle multi-touch but it recognizes my pen as a finger (WM_TOUCH) and not as a pen (WM_PEN).

This is my Kivy code (that doesnt report pressure and tilt):

 from import Appfrom kivy.uix.widget import Widgetclass TouchInput(Widget):def on_touch_down(self, touch):print(touch)
def on_touch_move(self, touch):print(touch)
def on_touch_up(self, touch):print("RELEASED!",touch)class SimpleKivy4(App):def build(self):return TouchInput()

There is a wonderful processing library named Tablet that only works with the Wacom tablet with a simple API (e.g., tablet.getPressure())

I need something like this.


if you want to see the devices:

import pyglet

if you want to see the devices controls:

tablets = pyglet.input.get_devices() #tablets is a list of input devices
tablets[0].get_controls() #get_controls gives a list of possible controls of the device  

And now to get the data. I have a xp-pen g640 tablet and don't have tilt sensor, but if yours have it it will be easy to modify the code:

if tablets:print('Tablets:')for i, tablet in enumerate(tablets):print('  (%d) %s' % (i ,
i = int(input('type the index of the tablet.'))device = tablets[i]
controls = device.get_controls()
df = pd.DataFrame()
window = pyglet.window.Window(1020, 576)# Here you will have to write a line like "control_tilt_x = controls[j]" where j is
# the controls list index of the tilt control.
control_presion = controls[7]
Button = controls[3]
control_x =controls[5]
control_y =controls[6]
control_punta = controls[4]
control_alcance = controls [0]
name = tablets[9].nametry:canvas =
except pyglet.input.DeviceException:print('Failed to open tablet %d on window' % index)print('Opened %s' % name)@control_presion.event
def on_change(presion):global df   df_temp = pd.DataFrame({'x':[control_x.value/(2**15)],'y':[control_y.value/(2**16)],'p':[control_presion.value/8],'t':[time.time()]})df = pd.concat([df,df_temp])

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