List object has no attribute Values error

2024/10/9 20:27:17

I would like to get the data to Excel worksheet. The problem is when I run the whole code I receive an error but when I run it separately no error it works.

Here is what I want;

from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart
import requests
import jsonpayload_city = {'cityId':3969, 'cmd':'districts'}
url = ""
r_city =, data=payload_city)data_city = json.loads(r_city.text) #json to python data structure conversion
wb = Workbook()
dict = data_city[:] #translation in to dictionary
for i in list(range(len(dict))):print  data_city[i]["DistrictName"]payload_district = {'cityId':data_city[i]["CityId"], 'lbDistricts':data_city[i]["DistrictCode"], 'criter':149,'startdate':'2003-01','cmd':'result','areaCode':data_city[i]["AreaWideCode"]}r_district =, data=payload_district)data = json.loads(r_district.text)data = map(dict.values, data[u'output'][u'resultset'][u'record'][u'data']) #---->NOT OK.for row in data:Range("A1").value = zip(*data)

But when I run this as;

from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart
import requests
import jsonpayload = {'cityId':3969, 'lbDistricts':599, 'criter':149,'startdate':'2003-01','cmd':'result','areaCode':18439}
url = ""
r =, data=payload)wb = Workbook()
#wb = Workbook.caller()
data = json.loads(r.text)
data = map(dict.values, data[u'output'][u'resultset'][u'record'][u'data'])
for row in data:Range("A1").value = zip(*data) 

It works. Could you please tell me where my mistake is? Thank you.


In your first code block you have a list named dict, which shadows the built-in dict type. So when you try to use the dict.values method in

data = map(dict.values, data[u'output'][u'resultset'][u'record'][u'data'])

Python looks for a .values() method in your list that's named dict instead of using the built-in dict.values() method, and it can't find such a method.

So change the name of that list to something that won't clash with a built-in name.

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