Project Scipy Voronoi diagram from 3d to 2d

2024/10/9 6:26:46

I am trying to find a way to calculate a 2d Power Diagram in Python. For this I want to make use of the fact that a 2d power diagram can be interpreted as the intersection of a regular 3d voronoi diagram with a plane.

With the SciPy Voronoi module I can calculate a 3d Voronoi diagram - is there a possibility to intersect it with a plane and convert it to a 2d diagram?


There isn't yet a power diagram capability inside of SciPy.

Converting a 3D Voronoi diagram into a 2D power diagram is likely to be difficult and, at least within Python, slow.

To work around this, I've developed a C++ program based around CGAL that can then be wrapped by Python.

With the Python function and C++ code in hand, a power diagram can be generated using:

polys, bbox = GetPowerDiagram(pts)

And the result looks like this if the power diagram is cropped to the bounding box of the point cloud:

Cropped Voronoi Power Diagram

and this if it is uncropped (but converted to a finite representation):

Finite representation of an uncropped Voronoi Power Diagram

The code below worked as of 02019-01-12 using GCC 7.3.0, Python 3.6.7, CGAL 4.11 (1041101000). The code can also be acquired on Github here.

Python code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Power Diagramer
#Author: Richard Barnes (
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import plumbum
import random
import shapely
import shapely.wkt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from descartes import PolygonPatchdef GetPowerDiagram(points, ray_length=1000, crop=True):"""Generates a power diagram of a set of points.Arguments:points - A list of points of the form `[(x,y,weight), (x,y,weight), ...]`ray_length - The power diagram contains infinite rays. The direction vectorof those rays will be multiplied by `ray_length` and the endsof the rays connected in order to form a finite representationof the polygoncrop       - If `True`, then the bounded representation above is cropped tothe bounding box of the point cloud"""powerd = plumbum.local["./power_diagramer.exe"]#Format output for reading by power_diagramer.exepoints = [map(str,x) for x in points]points = [' '.join(x) for x in points]points = '\n'.join(points)points = '{raylen}\n{crop}\n{points}'.format(raylen = ray_length,crop   = 'CROP' if crop else 'NOCROP',points = points)#Run the commandpolygons = (powerd["-"] << points)()#Get the output of `power_diagramer.exe`. It is in WKT format, one polygon per#line.polygons = polygons.split("\n")polygons = [x.strip() for x in polygons]polygons = [x for x in polygons if len(x)>0]polygons = [shapely.wkt.loads(x) for x in polygons]#Generate bounding box for ease in plottingbbox = [x.bounds for x in polygons]minx = min([x[0] for x in bbox])miny = min([x[1] for x in bbox])maxx = max([x[2] for x in bbox])maxy = max([x[3] for x in bbox])return polygons, (minx,miny,maxx,maxy)POINT_COUNT = 100
pts         = []
for i in range(POINT_COUNT):x      = random.uniform(0,100) y      = random.uniform(0,100)weight = random.uniform(0,10)pts.append((x,y,weight))polys, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = GetPowerDiagram(pts, ray_length=1000, crop=True)fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(5,5), dpi=90)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for poly in polys:ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(poly))


all:#-frounding-math is GCC specific, but required for any CGAL code compiled with#GCCg++ -O3 power_diagram_lib.cpp -o power_diagramer.exe -Wall -lCGAL -lgmp -lgmpxx -lmpfr -frounding-math

And the resulting executable named power_diagramer.exe and placed in the same directory as the Python script.

C++ code

//Finds the cropped Voronoi diagram of a set of points and saves it as WKT
//Compile with: g++ -O3 main.cpp -o power_diagramer.exe -Wall -lCGAL -lgmp
//Author: Richard Barnes (
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Regular_triangulation_adaptation_traits_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Regular_triangulation_adaptation_policies_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Regular_triangulation_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Voronoi_diagram_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Boolean_set_operations_2.h>
#include <CGAL/bounding_box.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <memory>typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel K;
typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_2<K> RT;typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_adaptation_traits_2<RT>         AT;
typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_degeneracy_removal_policy_2<RT> DRP;
typedef CGAL::Voronoi_diagram_2<RT, AT, DRP> VD;int main(int argc, char **argv){if(argc!=2){std::cerr<<"Synax: "<<argv[0]<<" <FILENAME>"<<std::endl;std::cerr<<"<FILENAME> may be a file or '-'. The latter reads from stdin."<<std::endl;std::cerr<<"File has the format:"<<std::endl;std::cerr<<"<RAY_LENGTH>"        <<std::endl;std::cerr<<"<CROP/NOCROP>"       <<std::endl;std::cerr<<"<X> <Y> <WEIGHT>"    <<std::endl;std::cerr<<"<X> <Y> <WEIGHT>"    <<std::endl;std::cerr<<"..."                 <<std::endl;std::cerr                        <<std::endl;std::cerr<<"'RAY_LENGTH' is a multiplier that extends infinite rays"<<std::endl;std::cerr<<"'CROP' will crop the power diagram to the bounding box of the input points"<<std::endl;return -1;}std::string filename = argv[1];//Output formattingstd::cout.precision(4);          //Number of digits of decimal precisionstd::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed); //Don't use scientific notation//Used to convert otherwise infinite rays into looooong line segments by//multiplying the components of the direction vector of a ray by this RAY_LENGTH = 1000;//Create a pointer to the correct input streamstd::istream *fin;if(filename=="-")fin = &std::cin;elsefin = new std::ifstream(filename);std::string crop_string;bool do_crop = false;(*fin)>>RAY_LENGTH;(*fin)>>crop_string;if(crop_string=="CROP")do_crop = true;else if(crop_string=="NOCROP")do_crop = false;else {std::cerr<<"Crop value must be 'CROP' or 'NOCROP'!"<<std::endl;return -1;}//Read in points from the command lineRT::Weighted_point wp;std::vector<RT::Weighted_point> wpoints;while((*fin)>>wp)wpoints.push_back(wp);//Clean up the stream pointerif(filename!="-")delete fin;//Create a Regular Triangulation from the pointsRT rt(wpoints.begin(), wpoints.end());rt.is_valid();//Wrap the triangulation with a Voronoi diagram adaptor. This is necessary to//get the Voronoi faces.VD vd(rt);//CGAL often returns objects that are either segments or rays. This converts//these objects into segments. If the object would have resolved into a ray,//that ray is intersected with the bounding box defined above and returned as//a segment.const auto ConvertToSeg = [&](const CGAL::Object seg_obj, bool outgoing) -> K::Segment_2 {//One of these will succeed and one will have a NULL pointerconst K::Segment_2 *dseg = CGAL::object_cast<K::Segment_2>(&seg_obj);const K::Ray_2     *dray = CGAL::object_cast<K::Ray_2>(&seg_obj);if (dseg) { //Okay, we have a segmentreturn *dseg;} else {    //Must be a rayconst auto &source = dray->source();const auto dsx     = source.x();const auto dsy     = source.y();const auto &dir    = dray->direction();const auto tpoint  = K::Point_2(dsx+RAY_LENGTH*dir.dx(),dsy+RAY_LENGTH*dir.dy());if(outgoing)return K::Segment_2(dray->source(),tpoint);elsereturn K::Segment_2(tpoint,dray->source());}};//Loop over the faces of the Voronoi diagram in some arbitrary orderfor(VD::Face_iterator fit = vd.faces_begin(); fit!=vd.faces_end();++fit){CGAL::Polygon_2<K> pgon;//Edge circulators traverse endlessly around a face. Make a note of the//starting point so we know when to quit.VD::Face::Ccb_halfedge_circulator ec_start = fit->ccb();//Find a bounded edge to start onfor(;ec_start->is_unbounded();ec_start++){}//Current location of the edge circulatorVD::Face::Ccb_halfedge_circulator ec = ec_start;//In WKT format each polygon must begin and end with the same pointK::Point_2 first_point;do {//A half edge circulator representing a ray doesn't carry direction//information. To get it, we take the dual of the dual of the half-edge.//The dual of a half-edge circulator is the edge of a Delaunay triangle.//The dual of the edge of Delaunay triangle is either a segment or a ray.// const CGAL::Object seg_dual = rt.dual(ec->dual());const CGAL::Object seg_dual = vd.dual().dual(ec->dual());//Convert the segment/ray into a segmentconst auto this_seg = ConvertToSeg(seg_dual, ec->has_target());pgon.push_back(this_seg.source());if(ec==ec_start)first_point = this_seg.source();//If the segment has no target, it's a ray. This means that the next//segment will also be a ray. We need to connect those two rays with a//segment. The following accomplishes this.if(!ec->has_target()){const CGAL::Object nseg_dual = vd.dual().dual(ec->next()->dual());const auto next_seg = ConvertToSeg(nseg_dual, ec->next()->has_target());pgon.push_back(;}} while ( ++ec != ec_start ); //Loop until we get back to the beginningif(do_crop){//Find the bounding box of the points. This will be used to crop the Voronoi//diagram later.const CGAL::Bbox_2 bbox = CGAL::bbox_2(wpoints.begin(), wpoints.end());//In order to crop the Voronoi diagram, we need to convert the bounding box//into a polygon. You'd think there'd be an easy way to do this. But there//isn't (or I haven't found it).CGAL::Polygon_2<K> bpoly;bpoly.push_back(K::Point_2(bbox.xmin(),bbox.ymin()));bpoly.push_back(K::Point_2(bbox.xmax(),bbox.ymin()));bpoly.push_back(K::Point_2(bbox.xmax(),bbox.ymax()));bpoly.push_back(K::Point_2(bbox.xmin(),bbox.ymax()));//Perform the intersection. Since CGAL is very general, it believes the//result might be multiple polygons with holes.std::list<CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<K>> isect;CGAL::intersection(pgon, bpoly, std::back_inserter(isect));//But we know better. The intersection of a convex polygon and a box is//always a single polygon without holes. Let's assert this.assert(isect.size()==1);//And recover the polygon of interestauto &poly_w_holes = isect.front();pgon               = poly_w_holes.outer_boundary();}//Print the polygon as a WKT polygonstd::cout<<"POLYGON ((";for(auto v=pgon.vertices_begin();v!=pgon.vertices_end();v++)std::cout<<v->x()<<" "<<v->y()<<", ";std::cout<<pgon.vertices_begin()->x()<<" "<<pgon.vertices_begin()->y()<<"))\n";}return 0;

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