Getting the href of a tag which is in li

2024/10/9 2:25:00

How to get the href of the all the tag that is under the class "Subforum" in the given code?

<li class="subforum">
<a href="Link1">Link1 Text</a>
<li class="subforum">
<a href="Link2">Link2 Text</a>
<li class="subforum">
<a href="Link3">Link3 Text</a>

I have tried this code but obviously it didn't work.

Bs = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text,"lxml")
Class = Bs.findAll('li', {'class': 'subforum"'})
for Sub in Class:print(Link.get('href'))

The href belongs to a tag, not li tag, use li.a to get a tag

Document: Navigating using tag names

import bs4html = '''<li class="subforum"><a href="Link1">Link1 Text</a></li><li class="subforum">
<a href="Link2">Link2 Text</a>
<li class="subforum">
<a href="Link3">Link3 Text</a>
</li>`<br>'''soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
for li in soup.find_all(class_="subforum"):print(li.a.get('href'))



Why use class_:

It’s very useful to search for a tag that has a certain CSS class, but the name of the CSS attribute, class, is a reserved word in Python. Using class as a keyword argument will give you a syntax error.As of Beautiful Soup 4.1.2, you can search by CSS class using the keyword argument class_.

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