Stripping python namespace attributes from an lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement [duplicate]

2024/10/8 22:21:52

Possible Duplicate:
When using lxml, can the XML be rendered without namespace attributes?

How can I strip the python attributes from an lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement?


In [1]: from lxml import etree, objectify
In [2]: foo = objectify.Element("foo")
In [3]: = "hi"
In [4]: foo.baz = 1
In [5]: foo.fritz = None
In [6]: print etree.tostring(foo, pretty_print=True)
<foo xmlns:py="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" py:pytype="TREE"><bar py:pytype="str">hi</bar><baz py:pytype="int">1</baz><fritz xsi:nil="true"/>

I'd instead like the output to look like:


You can accomplish this by using etree.strip_attributes and etree.cleanup_namespaces.

In [8]: etree.strip_attributes(foo, '{}pytype')
In [9]: print etree.tostring(foo, pretty_print=True)
<foo xmlns:py="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><bar>hi</bar><baz>1</baz><fritz xsi:nil="true"/>
</foo>In [10]: etree.cleanup_namespaces(foo)
In [11]: print etree.tostring(foo, pretty_print=True)
<foo xmlns:xsi=""><bar>hi</bar><baz>1</baz><fritz xsi:nil="true"/>

This still leaves the xsi:nil reference, which you can strip similarly.

In [12]: etree.strip_attributes(foo, '{}nil')
In [13]: etree.cleanup_namespaces(foo)
In [14]: print etree.tostring(foo, pretty_print=True)

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