How to unpickle a file that has been hosted in a web URL in python

2024/10/7 7:12:00

The normal way to pickle and unpickle an object is as follows:

Pickle an object:

import cloudpickle as cpcp.dump(objects, open("picklefile.pkl", 'wb'))

UnPickle an object: (load the pickled file):

loaded_pickle_object = cp.load(open("picklefile.pkl", 'rb'))

Now, what if the pickled object is hosted in a server, for example a google drive: I am not able to unpickle the object if I directly provide the URL of that object in the path. The following is not working:I get an IOERROR

UnPickle an object: (load the pickled file):

loaded_pickle_object = cp.load(open("", 'rb')) 

Can someone tell me how to load a pickled file into python that is hosted in a web URL?


The following has worked for me when importing gdrive pickled files into a Python 3 colab:

from urllib.request import urlopen
loaded_pickle_object = cp.load(urlopen("", 'rb'))

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