python variable scope in nested functions

2024/10/7 0:13:11

I am reading this article about decorator.

At Step 8 , there is a function defined as:

def outer():x = 1def inner():print x # 1return inner

and if we run it by:

>>> foo = outer()
>>> foo.func_closure # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

it doesn't print x. According to the explanation :

Everything works according to Python’s scoping rules - x is a localvariable in our function outer. When inner prints x at point #1 Pythonlooks for a local variable to inner and not finding it looks in theenclosing scope which is the function outer, finding it there.

But what about things from the point of view of variable lifetime? Ourvariable x is local to the function outer which means it only existswhile the function outer is running. We aren’t able to call inner tillafter the return of outer so according to our model of how Pythonworks, x shouldn’t exist anymore by the time we call inner and perhapsa runtime error of some kind should occur.

However, I don't really understand what the second paragraph means.

I understand inner() does get the value of x but why it doesn't print x out?



Thanks all for the answers. Now I understand the reason. the "return inner" is just a pointer to inner() but it doesn't get executed, that is why inner() doesn't print x as it is not called at all


I understand inner() does get the value of x but why it doesn't printx out?

It doesn't print out anything because you've not called the inner function yet.

>>> def outer():x = 1def inner():print x # 1return inner
>>> func = outer()  
>>> func            
<function inner at 0xb61e280c>
>>> func()

This is called a closure, i.e even though the outer function is not in stack(finished executing) anymore but still the inner function that was returned from it remembers it's state.(i.e value of x)

>>> def outer():x = 1y = 2def inner():z=3print xreturn inner
>>> func = outer()
>>> func.func_code.co_freevars  #returns the variables that were used in closure

From the source code on how python decides it's a closure or not:

   459    if len(code.co_freevars) == 0:460        closure = NULL461    else:462        len(closure) == len(code.co_freevars)

In py3.x you can also modify the value of x using nonlocal statement inside inner function.

>>> def outer():x = 1def inner():nonlocal xx += 1print (x)return inner
>>> func = outer()
>>> func()
>>> func()
>>> func()

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